Monday, March 3, 2008

My Man Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash.

Now here was a man after my own heart! I love the sound of his voice. He kinda sounds like my dad, as I remember him when I was young. Deep and smooth, it just sort of washed over you. Anyway, this man was a definite rebel, which of course I loved about him. He did everything he could to go against the grain of society and do things his own way. I truely admire his rebel-ability, having been sort of one myself, but the methods he chose, drugs and alcohol, are something else again.

I was reading his autobiograhpy last night and had to stop a few times because I couldn't believe the amount of drugs this man did. But even more amazing was the fact that he continued to sing and create music, do live shows (when he showed up) and blow me away with his vocal chops all the while completely smashed out of his mind. I kept thinking what could he have done had he not had that albatross around his neck; unfortunately an albatross that he invited over for dinner, gave a special place at the table and asked back frequently.

As a curious twist of fate last night my son was on a radio show talking all about prescription drugs and how they can get you hooked without really knowing. He did a really great job of telling it like it is and trying to reach young people so they won't follow down that path.....and I thought what a juxtaposition it was to be reading about a man I thought was so cool but who by all rights should have died numerous times next to my son pointing out the dangers of drugs in today's society.

I have to tall ya, the view from here is pretty great. Seeing my son make the choices he's made and really trying to reach out to others and let them know the scene on drugs is wonderful to behold. If only Johnny Cash had had the opportunity to find out the truth about drugs and make an informed decision maybe his mama could be sitting here, too, happy to see her son drug free!

Makes ya think, doesn't it? Where is that message? I thought we were trying hard to let our young people know the dangers of drugs. Maybe it's out to dinner with the albatross.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Antidepressants Not Effective!

Hey guys!

Now here is something to blog about, eh? I just read in the Financial in England that 50 clinical trials were reviewed by psychologists from the University of Hull who found that the new generation antidepressants worked no better than a placebo - a dummy pill - for mildly depressed patients.

Wow, you have to think that this is pretty amazing. But then the article goes on to say that more natural approaches, such as taking a walk, were more effective in combating depression. Well, as a mother of two kids I can tell you the beauty of this wisdom, having seen it up close and personal. When my kids were growing up and had all that wonderful exuberance and excitement for life I sometimes found myself overwhelmed with it all. Sometimes I would tell my son "Go take yourself for a walk!" And you know something? He did. And when he came back he still had that wonderful exuberance for life but somehow it was all at a level that could be appreciated. And sometimes I would even tell myself to go take a walk. And that was one of the best possible solutions that we came up with.

And you know the best part of this? There are no black box warnings on taking a walk. "Caution: cracks in the street may be fatal." Huh? I'm thinking that if walks were taken as medicine families might even start hanging out together, or better yet, talking with one another. I don't know, but it sounds like we might be on to something here.

As I see it the view from here is pretty straight forward on the subject: Go take a walk! Who knows, you might like it. Hold on a minute, I'll just grab my sneakers and off I go. Comin'?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

As I See It

Let me explain why I am here.

I am surrounded by bloggers! Everywhere I look, everywhere I turn I am surrounded by bloggers! When did that happen!*&!! I used to have a lovely family, husband, children, cousins, you know the scene. And the next thing I know they are all bloggers and asking me when I am going to start blogging! Oy! So enough already. I'm blogging.

Stay tuned for my first installment. As I see it the world could use a little more insouciance, a little more silliness and a lot more encouragement. So that is my purpose in writing this thing.

Stay tuned to next week's exciting adventure.